alux jownes
Alux Jownes
Alux Jownes from meme wars is here to spit the truth about everything from weather weapons, chemicals in the water that turn frogs gay, pizza gate, 911 being an inside job and the deep state. The satanic globalists must be stopped at all costs! Federal agents tried to hold the project down and cancel Jownes. This has happened several times in Jownes career and he comes back swinging. Freedom fighters united to bring the truth to light.
Alux Jownes from meme wars is here to spit the truth about everything from weather weapons, chemicals in the water that turn frogs gay, pizza gate, 911 being an inside job and the deep state. The satanic globalists must be stopped at all costs! Federal agents tried to hold the project down and cancel Jownes. This has happened several times in Jownes career and he comes back swinging. Freedom fighters united to bring the truth to light.
must see IRL interviews with ALUX JOWNES
This community is full of Chads who hold $JOWNES token and are ready to take down globalists and turn the frogs straight again. Diamond hands unite! We will rise against the paperhands and protect ourselves against the wicked ideas of the evil globalist
About community
must see live broadcast with ALUX JOWNES
intro to the tv series cartoon coming out